Also, Liberty 5-3000, the female, represented the other
protagonist of the two main characters. She wasn’t mentioned until towards the
middle of the text but she did things with Equality 7-2521 later on which changed
the future of the brothers. For example, by following Equality 7-2521
to the uncharted forest, they were able to start an adventure together,
signifying a new change, and start their own generation. There was a quote on
page 86 by Liberty 5-3000 that seemed to have identified herself very well- “We love you.” This quote identifies her well because throughout the novel, she always represented love. Also,
it seemed like she was always there to provoke Equality 7-2521’s emotions. For
example, from the first moment that Liberty 5-3000 and Equality 7-2521 met,
they could not stop thinking about each other and overall they ended up living
together, away from the society.
“For the first time do we care about out body.”, “For the
first time do we know how strong our arms are.” Such quotes represent Equality
7-2521 very well, separating him from the society. These quotes repreat the phrase, “For the first time do we”, which signifies Equality 7-2521’s self-discovery
of the unmentionable times or the reality. For the first time, he starts to his own feelings and think for himself. In the beginning, he was just like any
other brothers of the novel, doing everything together, just as they were told
and even thinking only the things he was told to think. However, this was only
until he discovered the tunnel and the light. Since the discovery, little by
little, he started to gain the ability to question the authority. He became
increasingly curious about the unmentionable times because what he had discovered was from the unmentionable times was so
significant. This dramatic change in character of Equality 7-2521 led the
readers to see how much these “brothers” want to escape from the society,
although they don’t know it yet, because just by looking at Equality 7-2521, we
know that by the discovery of one simple light, he was able to break out to
freedom and come as far as the uncharted forest and a new style of living.