As mentioned previously in the post in February, there were several important images that signified checkpoints or changes throughout the plot. I’ve noticed that there were a lot more use of imageries after the rebellion of Equality 7-2521. Rand’s way of using imageries expressed the reality that the boy seeks and finally enters later on.
One of the most important checkpoints which acted as a
highlight of the novel was when the boy entered the forest, running away from
the councils who are out to kill him. In page 79, Rand describes Equality
7-2521’s environment and his actions in reaction to the environment. For
example she mentions, “We lay on our back, we threw our arms out, and we look
up…river of green and fire flowing high above us.” Equality 7-2521’s
curiousness and thirst for knowledge has been met with a freedom. Although the he
doesn’t know what’s yet to come from the forest, at this moment, as described
by Rand in an image of freedom and comfort, he enjoys the uncharted forest and
being away from the brothers and the councils.
Later on in the forest, after Equality 7-2521 finds Liberty
5-3000, they found a house after what seemed to be an endless climbing of
mountain peaks. At first, they were unfamiliar with most of the things in the
house such as the typed out books. “…letters on their pages were so small and
so even that we wondered at the men who had such handwriting.” Back in the old
society, every book was hand copied with ink and not by a machine. Therefore
when Equality 7-2521 first saw the books, he thought that they were written by
men who had very neat hand writing. When he realized that these books were
mechanized by machines, he was surprised but not as much as when he discovered
the words, “I, me and myself” in these books. This was another important
checkpoint throughout the plot because by discovering the idea of individuals, Equality
7-2521 was able to find himself his original by naming himself, think for
himself without getting punished and take action as an individual and not as
The imageries of the forest, the house, and the book were all very significant in ways that they represented a change in their lives and a fresh start as an individual for both Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000. These changes acted as a bridge to bring Equality 7-2521 closer and closer to the unmentionable times that was banned from the society of Anthem. These uses of imagery by Rand were effective because they lead the readers to focus on the idea of gaining freedom and starting a new life.
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